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Why do friendships change as we get older?

Friendship…This word plays a huge part in our lives from a very young age. It is defined as the relationship between two or more people of the same or different sex, with the main feature of mutual Platonic love, devotion and understanding, without necessarily having an interest, motivation, or superior goal. Although we start our socialization with a big group of friends ( imagine your friends during primary school), as times goes by we notice that eventually this group decreases considerably. That is ok! Studies around the world have proven that the friend pool decreases around the age of 25. Sometimes the best friend that you used to have, may now don’t even belong to your inner circle or may have become a stranger to you. You can, also, test this theory if you check your most used contacts on your phone or your social media and compare them throughout the years. Chances are, you’ll be surprised with the difference! However, this decline is normal and you shouldn’t be te...

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