Multiple times in our life we will have to face a variety of obstacles in order to continue and to be happy. Some of which are of major significance and some other after we overcome them, we understand that we had just overestimated them. Do you feel like you are alone on this? That there's no one else to hold on to? That everything is meaningless? Trust me. You can overcome everything if you have faith in yourself and strong will.
It is natural sometimes to feel helpless or that you are not capable of anything. It's just these moments when you need someone to tell you ''You can do it, I know that you got this''. These obstacles are tests. Life tests us in any possible way whether it is a loss of an important person, a failure at school, a break up etc. You will see that every time that you will overcome an obstacle, you will feel stronger and more confident. But even if you fail to prevail, just take advantage of the 'journey'. Definitely you will learn from all this process and yes it will be useful for the rest of your life. 'Mistakes are the portals of the discovery' as James Joyce has said once. They are an opportunity for you to learn and to avoid repeatability.
Also, it is important to share everything that troubles you because as wisely some say a happiness which is shared is a double happiness and a sorrow which is shared is a half one. So find the people that you trust and confide in them every concern of yours. This is how you will feel your soul lighter and they might guide you or advice you in a very unexpected way. But what is more important is you! Believe in yourself and say that you are capable of anything.
Last but not least, what i want you to remember from all these text is that obstacles and mistakes are inextricable parts of our lives. Everyone has to face them and everyone can overcome them if he just believe in his capabilities, is positive and persistent. You can do this!!! What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. xxx
May i point a titanic detail out... Once you overcome the difficulties, obstacles and traps life sets you, once you refill yourself with the confidence and strength you once let go, you put them aside, as in a sleep mode, and move forward. You did gain the power life wanted to supply you with and that was the whole point. You can only recall them when you get blue again and lose track. You don't scratch your wounds and you definitely don't let wounds scratch you!